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  • Writer's pictureKali Rand

My Valedictorian Speech! (Graduating Class of 2018)

I finally completed my Valedictorian speech, and I didn't make it long for a very specific reason. I've suffered through many long speeches; it's boring sometimes, I get it, and I really don't want everyone to start snoring whenever I walk up to recite what I've written! (Haha!) Therefore, here is my completed speech!

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"I’m going to keep this simple; short, sweet, and to the point. Passion is defined as “a feeling of intense enthusiasm toward, or a compelling desire for something.” Passion is what usually takes hold of the mind, leading it toward that elaborate goal we spend most of our lives chasing. However, there are those instances where people feel as if they have no choice but to sacrifice this leading emotion in order to achieve something standard; a job solely designed to produce a sustainable income. In such an instance, where the path is suddenly ripped away from the ground, where are we supposed to go? What will we ever achieve if we only live the way society wants and expects for us to, instead of the way WE want to?

Graduating class of 2018, my advice to you is: Make sure you strive toward your ambitions, no matter how extravagant, far fetched, or unlikely they may seem. Passion gives life a purpose that should never be stolen, diverted, or ignored."

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I know, it's really short! Again, I made it that way, so I wouldn't have an entire audience nodding off before I can get my point across. My family and I also decided that it wouldn't be necessary to "thank people" in my speech (in my opinion, it's just a technique to kill time, since we have to completely utilize our allotted two minutes). I tried to write about a topic that specifically applies to me, as well as the majority of my peers. My overall goal is to share a speech that everyone can relate to, and a speech that everyone can take something useful and inspiring from.

I do not own this photo!

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